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Easter, a new beginning

Easter is the day that is the beginning of it all for the Christian Faith. Strangely, Christmas is a more celebrated holiday, but Good Friday and Easter Sunday are the alpha and omega for the Christian Faith. Without Easter Sunday, there isn’t Christianity (just as there isn’t a Faith without Good Friday).

Enjoy the feast and the celebration of our faith. Feast and enjoy, and revel in new beginnings.

Remember that Lent is now over too, so if you had a Financial Plan or Lenten vows to add or remove something from your financial plans, that time is over, look back and see if it was a success. If you fail, figure out why, and either try again or try something else. Take the good from your work and move on.

Use Easter as the starting of something new, Financially and Spiritually. Revel in the joy of a new start and new beginnings!


Happy Easter to You and Your Loved Ones!


Other Easters

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