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The Bank Ate My Bill Payment?

Another nugget from 2009. The point about calling to ask to have your late fees revoked is good, though.

TD in the US had a minor glitch, and many folks may not have paid their bills on time. This makes for an interesting issue about what happens if and when you pay your bills late. What will happen? The excuse, “The bank ate my bill payment,” is not valid?

In this instance, it might well be in your rights to complain to the bank and make them talk to your creditors and make them pay any fees that you may have incurred because of their error (be it clerical or computer). This is the course of action to take when your bank screws up and you end up getting in trouble because of it.

Wonder what TD did about their customers who may have had their mortgage payments show up late because of their computer glitch? Interesting question. We shall see what stories may come from this one.

EQ Bank Savings Account
No Bank Fees here though

Whoops, my bad

On a related story, I did pay my Mastercard bill one day late once (and the bill for the month was relatively high due to various purchases), but I only figured it out when I got my account the next month and saw the $75.00 interest charge that I had incurred. Those who know me can guess the trail of expletives I unleashed after seeing it, but eventually, I calmed down and decided to call and see what might happen if I claimed I was an idiot.

I spoke with an outstanding customer rep, who looked at my account, and saw that I had never made a late payment in the previous three years, so she forgave the finance charge and made sure I didn’t incur any further interest charges of my error. It just shows that you never know what a bank or Credit Card company will do for you unless you ask them.

The customer rep pointed out that I shouldn’t do this again for a while because it was a special “perk” for good customers, so keep that in mind.

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