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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility (Interest Rates Down)

For those of you not listening to CBC Radio One that is the highlight of my analysis about the current Stock Market fun. The host Kevin Sylvester was very kind to me and led me through the questions very calmly, and it was a lot of fun. What did you miss me comment? Here are some other highlights (other than trite Marvel Comics quotations):

  • Now is not the time to panic. If you have an investing plan, stick to it. If your plan says, SELL at a certain price, sell at that price, if not, don’t worry, unless you invested in International Buggy Whips, then be worried.
  • My actual name was used, which some folks may not know.
  • The retiree who talked before me espoused a very conservative investing strategy, and I reinforced her statements.
  • I did the whole thing from my Mechanic’s lunch room, as my car was in the shop for repairs.
  • I invest for the long term and any short term money I have, I do not have in stocks, because I need the money right away, and cannot deal with Stock Volatility. My investments are for retirement and thus have long term goals.
  • I didn’t mention I bought more banks yesterday, and today they have rebounded nicely, however at the time I didn’t know that was going to happen.
  • Thanks to Radio One having a delay across the country, I was able to listen to myself. I didn’t sound too crazy.
  • It is your money, you must make the decision and live with the consequences.

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  1. Hi Big Cajun Man, who now has a real name. I heard part of your CBC interview on my way to work and it sounded fine. I liked your comment that you can never go wrong being conservative, especially when you have a lot to conserve.

    Coincidentally, I was on The Current on CBC radio on Monday of this week and also tuned in an hour later to make sure I didn’t embarrass myself too much. Same topic under discussion — how the market turmoil affects ordinary folks and their investments, jobs and home equity.

    I didn’t write anything at my blog about it later, though I did contribute to yours. Just wanted to say hello and congratulations on becoming a radio star just by writing about personal finance on the Internet.

    In my view, it’s great to hear about the markets from people like you, who are investing on their own and learning through trial and error, instead of the usual parade of bank economists and pundits with predictions.

    As a media person myself, I think we rely too much on “experts” whose guesses are just as reliable as the guesses you and I make.

  2. I heard the interview, liked what you said, all made sense and reflects how I have been feeling. I too am pleased my debts will cost me less this year even though my meagre investments now seem even more meagre 🙂 Kevin Sylvester seems quite in tune with the personal finance world, did you hear his series on debt in the summer? I was quite interested that this topic was making a national radio program.

  3. I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Allen Taylor

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