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Income In Canada

Our friends in Stats Canada put out yet another interesting article yesterday comparing the income of Canadians and specifically Canadian families. Being a member of a Canadian family as usual I find the numbers fascinating (but I do have a Math degree as well, so I will try to temper my enthusiasm).

The Data in this survey seems to center around the Median Income numbers for the groups in question. If we ask our friends at Wikipedia they remind us:

The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the observations from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one.

Keeping that in mind (this is not the AVERAGE income but the value in the middle of the entire sample), there are some interesting facts to be seen.

Our friends at Stats Canada Point out:

Families had an estimated median income after taxes of $58,300 in 2006, up 2.1% from 2005 in real terms. It was the third consecutive annual increase. In 2006, the increase was mainly the result of gains in both market income and government transfers.

Now that is ALL families (a very large sample given it includes groups of two people or more), in the Two parents with Children category (where I live) income was up from $74,200 to $74,900 which isn’t bad (ok it’s better than it going down), which is a 0.93% increase. Inflation at that time was somewhere around 2.0% (I am guessing don’t have the exact numbers) so that means the Median families were losing ground.

Selected income concepts by main family types
2005 2006
Market income Government transfers Income taxes After-tax income Market income Government transfers Income taxes After-tax income
median (2006 constant dollars)
Economic families, two persons or more 58,800 4,000 8,700 57,100 59,600 4,500 9,000 58,300
Senior families 22,600 22,400 3,000 41,200 23,300 22,600 2,800 42,400
Non-senior couples without children 65,000 200 10,600 56,800 65,400 700 10,500 57,900
Two-parent families with children 74,200 2,800 11,800 67,000 74,900 3,300 12,000 67,900
Female lone-parent families 22,600 6,900 500 30,900 23,100 7,400 700 31,700
Unattached individuals 18,400 500 2,000 21,800 18,900 600 2,100 22,800

Interesting statistics to look over and decypher.

Any other comments?

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  1. It would be easy, and wrong, to assume that having children increases your income, since married with children category out-earns the “Economic family” class. I figure it is just because two-parent families with kids are older and have been working longer than “economic families” without kids.

    Is “Economic families” where married, childless people fit?

    Also, sad to see that female lone-parents make less than a third of what two-parent families make. Sad, but not surprising.

    You’re in my top five, bigcajunman, the Globe & Mail people are crazy.

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