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Canajun Finances Home » Sunday Thoughts: Sunday a Day of Rest?

Sunday Thoughts: Sunday a Day of Rest?

I have had more than one person ask me how I find time to go to Church on Sunday given how busy my life is these days. I honestly first admit, I don’t always make it on Sunday (I try, but don’t always succeed), however, everyone needs a day to forget their main interest/past-time/job/whatever. I always find that as soon as I forget about something, I am more likely to resolve whatever issues I have in that area. It’s odd to admit that not thinking about something is a good thing, but in my world, that is how it works best.

Do you have a day of rest? Do you take the time to stop thinking about your main task in life? If you don’t, why not? There is always time to sit in front of a TV for 30 minutes of 4 hours, yet you can’t do something for you? Your day or rest need not be Sunday, but it should be one day a week. Can you live without your “crackberry” for a whole day? If not, why not? Who the heck is working on Sunday? Ask them if they call you or send you an e-mail.

I will give you peace and quietness.
                                                                                I Chronicles 16:11

If you are given this peace, will you take it?

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  1. I *love* having Sunday as a day of rest. I do go to church most weeks, but even if I don’t I do my best to keep it a day of rest. In addition to not working at job-related stuff, I try to avoid shopping, errands and chores of all kinds. I try to do things that I enjoy, like reading and picnics and walks and outings like festivals. I try to avoid spending time on the Internt but unfortunately I don’t always succeed.

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