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My Favorite Things 2010

No, I am not shilling Oprah Winfrey stuff, nor am I espousing you go out and sing songs out of the Sounds of Music (although I would take that one over the Oprah thing). No I am being extra lazy this holiday week and creating my list of favourite posts that I made in 2010. I can hear you groaning, “How lazy can you get?” never ask a blogger that question; you would be astounded at the depths we would stoop not to have to work hard to produce a post.

This year was a year when I learned a lot about many parts of the world of personal finance, some unfortunately through my own blunders, some through others’ mistakes, and some just by asking some smart folks (you should read my Friday Posts to see the Financial Bloggers that I read; they are very smart folk, too).

So, without further ado, here are my favourite posts of the year (I will attempt not to duplicate the previous lists I have done this week, but I make no promises). Remember also that on Monday, I will have a Special Top Financial Rants for 2010 list from some of my Financial Blogging compatriots (I will attempt not to include myself in there since most of my posts are Rant-like).

Some of My Favorite Things

Favorite Posts for the Year 2010

Ask, and You Might Receive

That is the sentiment of my post You Need Only Ask, where I simply asked for a discount on my Internet Access with Rogers and they gave me one. It’s much like basketball, you miss every shot that you don’t take, and if you don’t ask for something, how do you know whether you might get it? I repeat this message as well In Banking It is All Negotiable, so keep that in mind as well.

At the Next TFSA Turn Left

Do you have a Financial GPS, outlines my love for my GPS but also a wish that I somehow had a version with financial capability.  I used my GPS to somehow skirt Boxing Day traffic in Toronto, how I wish I had one that might have reminded me that Premium Canada Savings Bonds can only be redeemed in November (or the month they are purchased).

I believe this RESP is Corked

With my post The Good Wine: A Personal Finance Parable I outlined that eventually you do have to spend the money you are saving, unless you plan on keeping it only for your next of kin (which I am not). Keeping something until it is past it’s prime is a bad thing, and you would have thought I would have learned my lesson from Nortel, wouldn’t you? Take your profits!

I Saved Money by Spending Money?

That is the concept behind the Semantics of Money, where I ask the question, how am I saving money by spending  money? This is the type of stuff retailers try to trick you with as well, you are not saving money by spending money, you are just spending less, although some of the commenters on this post disagreed with me. Please feel free to comment more, I keep comments open on all my posts.

A Fatwa on Mastercard?

No the Imam in Ottawa that I spoke of in the Religious Views on Credit Cards, did not make that declaration, but he did say that Credit Cards are usury which is a sin in Islam, and I tend to agree with him. If you carry a balance on  your credit card, this is usury. If you pay it off every month, not so much, but there is always the danger of forgetting to make a payment as well.

Fear and Loathing in HST-Land

Why I Loath the HST you might ask? I went to Montreal during the holidays and gasoline there is cheaper than in Ottawa, for the first time in 10 years (if not longer). The gas companies are blaming the HST, I blame all of them and loath them all for it. Yes this is a ranting post, but I missed it on my list this week, and I do love a good rant. Hunter S. Thompson, we still miss you too!

A Penny Found is a Penny Spent

No that is not the message I put across in the Found Money Trap, where I outline that all found money should be going to debt first and foremost, until you are out of debt.  I make a similar point in We Did It! Let’s Splurge, where simply reaching financial goals is not a good reason to get back into debt. Getting out of debt is goal number 1, and all others fall by the wayside.

RDSP is not an RESP

Yesterday I outlined my problems with RESPs, but I did succeed eventually, as I did with a Registered Disability Savings Plan in RDSP: The Completion of Initial Work. It outlines my efforts towards setting up an RDSP for my son with TD Waterhouse. I think this program is a good idea for those with disabled loved ones who are young and who may need financial help in the future. I would strongly suggest that anyone in this situation read up about this program and get going on it immediately!

My New Year’s Wish to My Readers

I hope this new year brings you Joy and Happiness and less stress with your money. Keep reading and keep commenting, and we can all learn about Personal Finance together.

Where can you find me?

A Happy and Safe New Year to Us All!

Feel Free to Comment

  1. Thanks for pulling out some key picks from the year … I’m new to your site and will help me navigate!!! Happy 2011 to you 🙂

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