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Canajun Finances Home » Random Thoughts: Happy Canada Day!

Random Thoughts: Happy Canada Day!

Canada was 144 Today in 2011

The old girl doesn’t look a day over 135. Still, yes, Canada celebrates Confederation. Luckily, it falls on a Friday, so we can all enjoy a long weekend (except those in Service Industries who have to be at work tomorrow). This year in Ottawa, we have the added excitement of having the new hot couple with Prince William and his new bride. This means there is no reason to go to Parliament Hill (you won’t be able to get near it). It’s weird to watch the festivities on TV. I could take a bus, and then watch it from 700 yards away instead.

The year is pretty much half over now—holy cow! It’s been a tumultuous year for a lot of reasons, but hopefully, it will start calming down a bit. No, I am not that lucky. I get the feeling this is going to continue as another action-packed year of fun and frivolity. Oh, and you now have less than six months to plan Christmas as well (just being helpful).

With all the construction going on at my place, I did manage to get a full complement of posts out this week:

I actually enjoy all comments (even the ones that question my sanity), and will try to respond to most comments, so please feel free to comment away. For you spammers who continue to inundate me with your drivel, keep it up as well.

With the European economic system teetering on the brink of collapse, and with Canada Post returning to work there was a fair amount of good commentary this week in the financial blogging world:

Carnivals this Week

Not only did I host a Carnival this week, I also submitted posts to a few carnivals:

Canadian Flag
Canada Day or Dominion Day or Whatever les Quebecois call it.


“The essential ingredient of politics is timing.”

Author: Pierre Trudeau

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