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Family Day in Ontario

Today in Ontario, it is Family Day. I think it is in Alberta too. This vacation was created by the provincial governments for folks to get a break in February. That is a good enough reason for me. However, I don’t get this day off.

Some stores will be closed. Banks will also be closed. There is no garbage pick up. However, all Federal Offices should be open. Federal Employees in Canada do not actually get this day off. I know there are few folks crying about this one, but it is actually fair, given we do get Remembrance Day off (or as we call it in Ottawa, PRE-Black Friday!!!!).

Enjoy the day off, for those who do get it. Many folks are taking this day off as vacation. It is effectively a day off for me as well. I can catch up on a lot of stuff in the office, too.

The best part for those Ottawaans who do get the day off is that everything is open in Gatineau. There will be a rush over the bridges to buy beer and other cheaper goods in Quebec.

Oh, feel free to leave a comment with derogatory remarks. You may boast about how you have today off and I don't. However, remember, I will respond in kind (yup, it's that kind of day).


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  1. Well, it was Family day LAST weekend for me here in BC so I spent my Monday morning writing an Accounting midterm on your Family day. So I feel for you as last weekend I spent working on assignments rather than being with my family, who are all in Ontario/Quebec. It was a day of work for me on both your Family day and mine. Ah, the life of a student. But, it will end one day, and I will be a happy camper when it does. This work stuff really gets in the way of doing nothing, doesn’t it…

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