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All Saints’ Money Tweets

Happy All Saints’ Day, where we solemnly note all the saints and remember those who have passed away this year as well. You might well ask, who is the patron saint of money? I am glad you asked. Saint Matthew is the patron saint of money, as he was a tax collector for the Romans before he became a Christian (oh and Saint Matthew’s Day is September 21st). It is also Financial Literacy Month, so watch for #FinLit tweets as well.

What spooky and exciting money tweets were there this week? Well, have a look at some of these beauties.

Apple’s Q4 numbers looked quite good, evidently the hipsters that lover their Apple products continue to keep buying, and any tweet with a Simpsons theme is OK by me as well.

Ellen Roseman wants to make sure we don’t fall for the phony CRA calls that are happening more and more, trying to Phish information from us.

Are you ready for an emergency, Stats Canada (who seems to be stepping up their Social Media presence, so good on them) has some numbers for you on this:

I think in the big picture, we all want to be Preet, as he proves, he lives an exciting life. Can’t remember the last time I used a light sabre at work.

Some of Canada’s leading bloggers pose and show off their pearly whites, no, I am not in the picture.

Who is the patron saint of Money

Saint Matthew is the patron saint of money, as he was a tax collector.

Canajun Finances Home » All Saints’ Money Tweets

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