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Canajun Finances Home » Is Your Toilet Flushing Hot Water?

Is Your Toilet Flushing Hot Water?

That is a very odd title, but it did happen.

My Brother had just moved into a new town-home complex, and he found a few idiosyncrasies in his new place, but he overlooked this issue for a little while after moving in. He only noticed one day when he sat down and felt the warmth emanating from the commode, and only then realized that his toilet was connected to the hot water system for his house (not a huge issue, but it would waste a little money for a long time).

toilet flushing hot water
No, it wasn’t that hot

Financially Flushing Hot Water?

Are you flushing hot water in your financial world? How many fees are you paying that you are unaware of, or worse, are ignoring? What kind of fees am I commenting about?

  • Bank fees, do you still pay those? There are so many banks that offer zero fee accounts, why are you flushing that hot water (money) down the toilet?
  • Entry fees, exit fees and high MER Mutual funds? How often do we (pretty much everyone writing about investing) have to write about this topic? Evidently, we have not hit the maximum count yet. They are called Index Funds. Look it up.
  • What are you paying in Insurance rates? Are you shopping around? Remember that insurance is only for ” … in case stuff happens …” (to paraphrase Chris Rock).  If you are overpaying for insurance, your money is flushing away.
  • Do you have any memberships that you are no longer using? That fitness club membership—are you using it? Do you really read the newspaper?

Am I missing any other Financial Toilets that flush hot water?

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