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CPP, CPP2 and EI for 2024

Another year, another yearly chestnut! CPP and EI Max return again! This year CPP adds a new twist for those making $73,200 (or more). It is called CPP2, an enhancement to CPP (according to the government).

The EI rate max of 2024 (as usual) is a little higher, and CPP remains the same. Was it following the inflation rate? Not the current rate of inflation, luckily.

What is CPP2?!? To enhance (enchant?) CPP to be more for those who make more, there is now a second ceiling. This ceiling is $73,200, it will rise over time. Employees contribute 4% of their earnings between the first earnings ceiling ($68,500) and the second ($73,200).

Now, this is the EI rate, not the AI rate. We are talking about Employment Insurance, not Artificial Intelligence. AI will come into play, no doubt, but not just yet.

Lots of arguments about how CPP and EI are tax. CPP is the Canada Pension Plan, and EI is Employment Insurance, so not sure what they are getting at. It sounds like a rallying cry for those who feel their rights are being invaded.

Interest in this topic continues year-round. The EI rates for 2024 are slightly higher, but the CPP rate stayed the same.

Will 2024 be a better year? I will no longer comment on this area, as my prognostication skills are subpar. This past year has been quite the year, and I do not wish even to guess what 2024 might bring as a year.

When we start 2024 (a new year), all who receive pay cheques (the Japanese term is Salaryman) get to start paying CPP and EI premiums again. Depending on how much you make, this might be a short-term issue or a year-long pain.

If you pay CPP and EI premiums all year, don’t worry; this is not for you. Read on for those who have an end date for your CPP premiums.

CPP, CPP2 and EI Max 2024

EI this year is again a bit lower:

  • The maximum insurable earnings for 2024 is $63,200, up from $61,500 in 2023. This is the EI maximum insured income for the year. If you earn more than this and claim EI, your benefits will be based on this amount.
  • The rates are up from last year:
    • Workers rate (self-employed folks should research further, or if you live in Quebec) $1.66 per $100 earned.
    • Maximum premium paid $1,049.12. Once you reach this point, no more EI will be deducted from your pay
    • Max difference from 2022 is $46.67 more over the year.

CPP rates did not rise. However, the max earnings did go up.

  • Maximum Pensionable Earnings: $68,500 (up from $66,600 in 2023)
  • Employee Contribution Rate: 5.95 % (no increase this year)
  • The maximum contribution for year: $3,867.50 ($7,735.00 if self-employed)

CPP2 is now here.

  • The ceiling for CPP2 for this year is $73,200.
  • If you earn more than the first ceiling of $68,500, you will make payments of 4% up to the second ceiling of $73,200.

When do I stop Paying?

A simple table of when you might stop paying EI and CPP. Find your approximate gross income in column 3; the first column should estimate when you stop paying.

CPP CPP2 EI Maximums
Approximate CPP2 adds $188 this year if you make over $73200
EQ Bank Savings Account
No Bank Fees here though
Canajun Finances Home » CPP, CPP2 and EI for 2024

Past CPP & EI

Yes, it is a topic I write about, as it is essential to me. Here are a few from the past years to compare and contrast (hint see how much CPP has gone up).


These are the sites I gleaned the information from

FAQ Answers for CPP, CPP2 & EI Maximums for 2024

What is the EI Maximum for 2024?

The maximum premium paid is $ 1,049.12

What is the CPP Maximum payment for 2024?

The max contribution for the year for up to $68,000 Income: $3,867.50 ($7,735.00 if self-employed)

However, with CPP2, if you earn over $73,200, you will pay $188.00 more ($376.00 if self-employed).

What is the EI Maximum Insurable Income for 2024?

The maximum insurable earnings for 2024 is $63,200, up from $61,500 in 2023.

What is the CPP maximum insurable income for 2024?

Ceiling 1 Pensionable Earnings: $68,500 (up from $66,600 in 2023)
Ceiling 2 Pensionable Earnings: $73,200

Are there changes for 2024?

Yes CPP2 is very new in 2024
CPP2 (2024 to 2025): second additional component
Starting in 2024, a second, higher earnings limit will be introduced. This will allow the CPP to protect a higher portion of your earnings. This new limit, known as the year’s additional maximum pensionable earnings, will not replace the original limit, known as the year’s maximum pensionable earnings. Instead, it creates 2 different ranges of earnings that CPP protects:
* The original range, which goes to the original limit and
* an additional range for earnings between the original limit and the new one
This additional range of earnings covered by the CPP will start at:
* the original earnings limit (projected to be $71,200 in 2025)
And go to:
* The new earnings limit which will be 14% higher in 2025 and after (projected to be $81,100 in 2025)

Like the original earnings limit, the new one will increase yearly to reflect wage growth.
Note: This additional range will only affect you in years when your annual earnings exceed the original limit.

Canajun Finances Home » CPP, CPP2 and EI for 2024

Feel Free to Comment

    1. Yes there is! #TIL thank you for pointing that out, plenty of info on this page about it, but I will be updating the page as well! Thank you!!!

      Step 2 (2024 to 2025): second additional component
      Starting in 2024, a second, higher earnings limit will be introduced. This will allow the CPP to protect a higher portion of your earnings. This new limit, known as the year’s additional maximum pensionable earnings, will not replace the original limit, known as the year’s maximum pensionable earnings. Rather, it creates 2 different ranges of earnings that are protected by CPP:

      the original range, which goes to the original limit, and
      an additional range for earnings between the original limit and the new one
      This additional range of earnings covered by the CPP will start at:

      the original earnings limit (projected to be $71,200 in 2025)
      And go to:

      the new earnings limit which will be 14% higher in 2025 and after (projected to be $81,100 in 2025)
      Like the original earnings limit, the new limit will increase each year to reflect wage growth.

      Note: This additional range will only affect you in years when your annual earnings are above the original earnings limit.

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