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Stock Market

Articles concerning and about the Stock Market. How the market works and what are the best ways to work with the stock market.

Discover the ins and outs of the stock market with our informative articles. Learn how the market works and find the best strategies for success.

Stock Picks

Stock Picks 2018

For my regular readers you must be shocked by this title, but a new year brings some new ideas and concepts. For the first time in a while, I will be putting out my stock picks for 2018. Hey if I can put out swag Financial Predictions for 2018, I can do this.

Yes, I have espoused Index Investing for a long time, but if you really want to make big money you will need to take some big risks. Some might tell you that Bitcoin is your way to sure money, others might say that Marijuana is a sure-fire money maker in the coming year, but I am here to say they are missing the boat. You buy that stuff and all you’ll have is bad-parity and a craving for Chips and Brownies.

I give you the portfolio that you should have for 2018.

Stock Picks

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