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Financial Valentines Day

Yes the most special day for amorous lovers of Personal Finance is coming on Sunday. Now all good Financial Bloggers know that Saint Valentines is actually the patron saint of all finances, or something like that, and keeping that in mind in this post I will make some suggestions for that special someone that you want to show Financial Servitude too.

Financial Valentines Gifts

This list while not exhaustive is in fact the first such list compiled (this year, on this blog) and should be held with great reverence:

  • For the kids, don’t waste your money on chocolates or candies, simply put money into their festive Valentines RESP! Nothing says financial planning than a Registered Education Savings Plan, and your kids will thank you for it (in about 15 years, this year, they may not be as happy with you (re: not giving candy)).
  • For yourself, maybe it’s time to set up a Valentine’s TFSA, where you could treat yourself and buy some Chocolate (or invest in Nielsen, who makes chocolate). The TFSA is really at the heart of Saint Valentine’s day traditions in the 21st century.
  • Nothing shows your wife or significant other Saint Valentine’s spirit than a Bouquet, of Shredded Credit Cards. This is a great gift because it shows you care enough to make a gift for your loved one, and you have shredded (and cancelled) all of their credit, and that shows how committed you are to your financial future.
  • Another gift that your loved one would be able to cherish is a visit to the Spa (well, not technically a Spa, more like a Financial Planners office, which is really a Financial Spa, so it is close). There you can spend hours planning your future life together and set the goals that will allow you to live happily ever after.
  • Take your Vacation Fund and make a Saint Valentine’s Day Mortgage Overpayment, and thus shorten your mortgage by 2 months, your family will thank you (in 20 years), but think how much interest you will save!
  • Remember what season you are in, so get yourself a romantic, Saint Valentine’s RRSP payment! You lower your taxes, and that means you have some extra money for the next item.
  • It’s not Valentine’s Day if the Dad’s don’t get Mums something naughty, so how about some Financial Debt Load Lingerie. Think of your debt like your wife’s underwear (and nowhere else on the Internet, would you ever find that stretch of your imagination except here), thus the skimpier, the better! You don’t want your loved one wearing baggy (but comfortable) Granny Panty Debt Load (i.e. large and uncomfortable debt) so see ee if you can convince your wife to receive a Financial Debt Load G-String! (i.e. very small and very comfortable).

Are You Serious?

Yes, I am having you on (this is what happens when I go on training and the course gets a little dull, and I also listen to Stephen Colbert while stuck in traffic).

What I am saying is that bankrupting yourself buying a dozen roses and fighting your way into a reservation at a swanky restaurant, while somewhat romantic, can have it’s down side as well.

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