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Canajun Finances Home » Airline Baggage Fees and Sunday’s Best

Airline Baggage Fees and Sunday’s Best

It is a long weekend, but I still endevor to put out some fine copy for my good readers, and it gives me a chance to rant a bit more. The way the gas prices in Ottawa have been inflating as this weekend approached is nothing less than colusionary in nature. You cannot tell me that the stations are not told by someone what the price is going to be, and that person talks to other folks at other companies to make sure everyone charges about the same. Oil is relatively cheap on the world market yet gas is still at historical highs here in Ottawa, hmmm, I wonder why that might be?

Air Canada’s new sets of fees for folks traveling with them goes to show that the Airline industry is certainly a mug’s game as well. You are going to make us pay for the 1st bag we put on the plane? Wow! My daughter came up with a novel solution for her carbon fibre knee brace which didn’t fit in her bag, she wore it onto the plane. Yes, it slowed down security, but it was one less bulky thing to go in her bag, so good on her.  The next logical step would be for folks to wear 3 or 4 layers of clothing on the plane, so that they don’t have to check a bag, could make for a lot of folks who look like Bib the Michelin Man!

Some of the oldies but goodies I posted on the tweety this week included:

  • An important thing to remember is that Cash in the Ultimate Bugetting tool, which is very true. If you live on cash you know exactly when you are out of money.
  • With penalty fees you incur sometimes can be reversed as I pointed out in The Bank Ate My Bill Payment, remember you don’t have to pay the fees, you can always ask for a refund (you might not get it, but you won’t if you don’t ask).
  • It’s too bad the TV show got cancelled but Sh*t My Dad Says is still a great book and I borrow from it with Overdrafts Summed Up Nicely.
  • It’s always good to test drive a video game before buying it and with The Library and Video Games I show how this is possible.
  • With many kids you used to hand down clothing now we have Personal Computer Hand Me Downs, which can save you a few bucks.
  • I brought out one of my most risque posts with Financial Bondage, which caused nary a ripple in the blogosphere, oh well.
Enjoy your LONG weekend.

Feel Free to Comment

  1. David Real in Costa Rica

    Very ingenious of your daughter. I suppose one could remove a lot of wearable articles and bring them on the plane as clothing, but there is a limit. It would not be too comfortable wearing too much on the plain….and even less comfortable when you leave the plane for the heat of a warmer destination like Costa Rica.

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