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I Put Pepper on My Steak and Sunday Best

After seeing the proliferation of the use of pepper spray to break of the #occupy movements sit ins, all I can think of is the infamous quote from Jean Chretien after a similar incident by the RCMP, “… For me, pepper, I put it on my plate …. ” , ZING, what a comeback. I am kind of disgusted by the use of the spray on peaceful folk who are simply sitting in, but that is only my opinion (but I also do like pepper on my steak too).

This bleak November in Ottawa (in terms of sun light) tends to make folks a little melancholy due to the lack of vitamin D and sunlight. We must push through it and know that soon the days will start getting longer again (and when that happens, it is only four months until spring—oh dear, that is more depressing).

After peppering Twitter with a bunch of oldie-but-goodie posts, here are some of them from the past week:

Enjoy your Sunday!

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