Friday Stats Canada did their monthly labor force survey for February 2015, and while the employment numbers look like last month’s numbers, Unemployment continues to creep ahead.

Even thought there were about 2300 less folks employed month over month the year over year overview is a bit more optimistic:
On a year-over-year basis, employment grew by 0.7% (+118,000), with the gains mostly coming from full-time work (+82,000 or +0.6%). At the same time, the number of hours worked increased by 1.0%.
The other good news for old guys like me is there were more men 55 and over employed (and it is sad that we are all still looking for work).
If you look through the detailed reports from Stats Canada you find out some interesting tidbits like the following:
Adjusted to US concepts, the unemployment rate in Canada was 6.2% in February versus 4.9% in the United States.
So our economy continues to struggle in comparison to our Cousins down South.
Who is looking, and who has jobs? A helpful graphic:
Previous Labour News
Here are some of the posts about jobs from the past while:
- More Folks Looking for Work in January
- Steady Job News to End 2015
- Unemployment Up in November
- More Ladies Aged 55 and 0lder Working in October in Canada
- More Working but also Unemployed in September
- Ironic Labour Numbers on Labour Day for August
- 6600 More Jobs in Canada in July
- More Full Time Jobs in Canada in June
- More Full Time Work in Canada in May
- Less Part Time Jobs in April in Canada
- More Part-Time Jobs in Canada, Yea?!?
- Unemployment Up in February in Canada
Have you written about the difference between the employment rate and the participation rate? What do the differences in there numbers tell us?
Depends how you read that, does it mean that 34% of folks are not partipating? If so, why?