I have written about how it is possible to claim your child’s schooling or tutoring as a medical expense. You must get the CRA to confirm this before you make the claim. I outlined the steps in the link in the previous sentence. We were able to claim this, until my son changed schools.
Now that my son is at a new school, we were denied continuing the claim by the CRA. We must prove the school fits under the CRA policies.
A while ago, we had to renew my son’s Disability Tax Credit (DTC). The psychologist was kind enough also to do a write-up on my son’s new school. With that information, we compiled the necessary documents to re-apply for Schooling Medical Tax Credit.
I put all this together and submitted my application after my son’s DTC was renewed. This was in February, it is now December (about a whole year). July it was finally screened. October, an appeals officer was assigned. Here I wait.
In July, I received the following message in My CRA account
Based on our initial screening, your objection has a low level of complexity. Our goal is to resolve low-complexity objections within 180 calendar days of the date they are sent to the CRA. The targeted completion date for your objection is 2024-08-26.
Needless to say, those dates have all gone by the way side.
CRA Patience
I know a lot of folks who work at the CRA. They are good folk. Why aren’t they able to deal with this with any alacrity? I know many reasons, but won’t touch on them here. Maybe when I retire, I will write about my adventures in the government, but not now.
Now, we must be patient, and wait. It doesn’t mean I am happy about this situation. I am annoyed, but waiting is the only thing I can do.
Next Steps
As usual, this article caused something to happen. There is no causality to it, but it always happens.
The CRA, effectively lost my documentation and needed me to re-upload all the documents. I use electronic filing so this DOES NOT happen, but someone’s electronic dog ate my homework?!?

Someone seems to be looking at this, but I forgot to upload the justification document from our Doctor. That has now been sent, so we shall see how long we wait for another response.
Update #1: I then found out:
- I was missing a document from the school? The application states you need a note from a Doctor OR the school outlining the program. So I got the school to write a letter as well. This stalled things for about a month.
- This is only 1 year reviewed, and not even the current year? I talked to an agent, and it seems this is only for my taxes of 2 years ago. Wow.
School Fees Medical Expense Articles
- School Fees as a Medical Expense: If your child has a disability, and their schooling is a specialized program for their disability, then the school fees can be seen as a medical expense. The program must be specifically designed for their disability.
- Medical Tax Credit for School Costs Template If you have a disabled child you can try to claim Medical Tax Credit for School Costs if the child’s schooling is essential to help with their disability. Most training for a disabled person should be a medical expense, so research and ask the CRA if this is the case?
- How To Apply for School Fees for Medical Credit from CRA Can you claim school fees for medical credit with the CRA ? Yes, but you need to follow all the rules to claim it. Your child does not need to have a DTC to apply.