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Canajun Finances Home » ETFs are the Devils Work and ETFs are Evil

ETFs are the Devils Work and ETFs are Evil

These cheap(er) versions of mutual funds or Index Funds have been getting a lot of press lately in the legitimate media and in the great financial blogosphere as well.

My ETFs are Evil perspectives

ETFs Are Evil

OK, I couldn’t resist again. I do own a few ETFs, if anyone is interested:

  • Larry MacDonald another Financial Infidel speaks of these unholy investment vehicles in Mutual funds vs. ETFs. May he burn in hell for his sins against the Financial Industry!
  • Then another Financial Demon Preet at WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo has the audacity to write Hate Mail to the Mutual Fund Dealers Association, UNCLEAN I declare him (financially speaking).
  • Michael James (known Financial Goblin) then asks the excellent question Why Do Economists Use a Bell Curve if it Doesn’t Apply? I always liked double bell curves, but then again, I also liked Poisson distributions as well.
  • Rob Carrick had some excellent advice for Parents of kids going off to University who might live off campus, Get Renters Insurance, or risk the consequences (think of a kiddie pool full of half-melted ice being turned over in your son’s 8th-floor apartment, do you want to pay for that? EVIL!).

Long weekend ahead folks and I plan on enjoying it, so don’t look for any new posts until Tuesday.

Canajun Finances Home » ETFs are the Devils Work and ETFs are Evil

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