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Random Thoughts: Back to RESP Week

Back to School

As you know, the topic of going back to school, and more specifically back to University, was on my mind this week, with two posts about RESPs. The situation I have been having is not resolved yet regarding how and where I can remove funds from my kids’ RESP accounts. Stay tuned on that one. Truly, it is RESP week.

My actual posts this week were: RESP Money to Get MoneyRESP the Old Switcheroo, RESP Withdrawals REDUX, an interesting question about Half Price Products, and Random Thoughts: Universities and RESPs.  The RESP story is an interesting one and hopefully good reader you are learning from my “case study”.

With Labour Day looming on Monday, I will most likely not be doing a post on Monday, although it might be a Best of we shall see whether the muse hits me early enough in the weekend. I will be travelling around getting ready for the new school term, one day I will go back to enjoying the Labour Day weekend as a time of rest, but it is not likely in the next few years. As for my comments post on Saturday, we shall see if time permits for that as well.

I hope that in a week or two, life will settle into a more formal pace, which will make it easier to work on things. However, it may well stay chaotic for the entire fall. I can never tell.

That was the week that was

In the blogosphere at least, here are some of the hot topics being discussed by other Personal Finance bloggers out there:

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    1. Yup, it adds up too (but you need to be earning enough dividend to buy at least 1 share for it to actually work, as opposed to real DRIPs which will buy you partial shares).

  1. Thanks for the link sir, enjoy your long weekend.

    I don’t actually have any DRIP’s set up, I just re-invest into a value priced stock once the cash has accumulated to a reasonable amount.

    1. You can set up “personal DRIPs” with some of the cut rate trading sites as well, where when Dividends arrive, they buy whole number portions of the stock, with not service fee (at least TD Waterhouse has this).

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