Cheque CostsÂ
I may have a free chequing account, in that I am not charged for the use of cheques on my bank account (even though I am charged $13.95 $16.00 a month in service fees, but let’s not quite go there today), however, each cheque costs to write for this very account, I must pay about $40 $81 $110 (for 100). (Updating with current costs as of Jan 2023)
I had a long ranting post about cheque costs, which I am sure by now will sound very hum drum to my loyal readers, so I decided to draw you a picture (yes I am branching out to MultiMedia), to show you just how silly the process is (yes that is my handwriting):

Note the helpful screaming wild face I added into the process, but it does seem that every time I order cheques, I end up paying $10 more each time, and thus very soon, it will cost $1 per cheque to order (in my estimation).

For those who don’t understand my scratchings it is:
- Use 150 cheques over a calendar year (approximately) (I even added an example cheque, hence the “Pay to you $2 box” it is supposed to be an actual cheque).
- Run out of cheques at the most inopportune time possible (hence the graphic of the screaming face)
- Ordernewchequeson line
- Note that cheques have just increased by $10 over the last time you ordered cheques
No, I am still not happy about this whole process.
The answer now seems to be to pay most things online, and any time a cheque might be needed, do a simple transfer using Interac.
Looks like many of the commenters here need to find a better bank. Might I suggest a credit union?
In May 2019, Vancity charged me $42 for 100 cheques + 5-day delivery + tax. Any guesses who produced these cheques? That’s right: it was D+H, Davis and Henderson, the same producer used by the big five banks.
I did look at some of the other competitors first, but as of today, all were just a bit more expensive than the D+H cheques provided by my own credit union.
As a senior, I had free cheques at TD Canada Trust. I wasn’t a big user of cheques. I had a plumber come to my house not long ago & he said he takes only a cheque – didn’t have a debit machine or visa & didn’t want cash. Sometimes an electrician will take only the correct amount in cash or a cheque as he doesn’t have visa or a debit machine. Hence you need to have some cheques in the house. I had nearly $70 taken from my savings account after I ordered new cheques. I was sent 100 cheques. 50 is all I really needed. I wasn’t warned about the new charge for seniors. The teller said: “We mailed you a letter about the cost of ordering cheques.” I said, “Well, I never received any such letter. I did receive one letter from your bank & it was about a pre-approved visa application. Anyways, why didn’t the teller, when I was in the bank a few weeks ago, mention that the cheques are no longer free for a senior?” I was so annoyed, I closed the account & returned the 100 unused cheques. Had the charge been $30 or less, I would have not been so angry & may have stayed with that bank. Prior to this, I gave up my savings passbook t0 avoid the annoying monthly fee being charged so finally went paperless. The teller was not at all sympathetic that day I complained about the cheque ordering charge – never even said that it’s too bad the bank is losing a long-time loyal customer.
That really does suck that they charge seniors for cheques.
I use ASAP Cheques out of Gananoque, ON.
$30.57 including $3.05 shipping and $3.52 GST/HST for 100 cheques.
Just checked out the Davis & Henderson site to re-order my RBC cheques. I last ordered 150 cheques in 2013 for about $50. Now in 2016, they want $65 for 100 cheques and they only offer 3 basic styles to choose from, my customized cheques are of course too expensive for them to produce. Looking like cheque producing business is going the way of print newspapers!
Thanks very much for your post! I have just run out of cheques and am finding it difficult to justify paying $52 for 50 cheques (CIBC) ($38 for the cheques, $8 in shipping, $6 in taxes), of which I use maybe 4 per year. Thanks to the other commentators, as well. I will be exploring these options before I reorder.
Just to join the club. 200 cheques yesterday cost me $163.00 for my CIBC Business Account. We still have suppliers who don’t do electronic deposit and only take paper. They wonder why small business owners are so fed up…
Holy mackinaw!
In 2001 I opened an account at CIBC and was given 100 cheques and a passbook. I completely forgot about the account and about three years later i got a phone call. Asking why I had not paid my bank for the cheques. I never used the account. It was now up to 139 dollars. They had apparently been leaving my apt # off the letter. I finally got a letter years ago now and it was up to 149 dollars. I said I would pay for the cheques and the first overdraft but that is all. A bank manager phoned about a year ago called me a lier and hung up on me when I said I never used the account. I tried about a year ago to find out how much the cheques were back in 2001 No one seems to know. CIBC has no idea how much I should pay for them The collection agency says I owe all this interest. They call me almost daily and I say the same thing. I still have the unused bank passbook and all the cheques.
Wow, what a horror story!
I rarely use cheques these days, but sometimes one needs to. I am being charged $45 for 100 cheques by the CIBC, approx 50c per cheque. I was shocked at the price. Seems that the banks have found another highly profitable way to overcharge their customers.
Unfortunately… yes, there is big money in cheques.
Man, I wish I stumbled across this site sooner! I just paid almost $60 for cheques!!! What a rip off! Some people recommended asap-cheques. I have never heard of them but now I’m seriously kicking myself. You would think that a revenue generating machine like RBC could at least provide its clients with 50 cheques for free, and any additional ones, one might pay for. I’m sure they can afford it after all…geesh.
I stopped buying cheques from my bank years ago when I found out their supplier Davis & Henderson pays the bank on my cheque orders. http: // www. chequesnow. ca
I order cheques for my business and personal accounts from them since I use Quicken I use the Laser Cheques instead of the small personal cheques the bank used to give me. I find it reduces my time in writting cheques.
Well, I did it, I order from and it really was quite a bit cheaper than buying from my bank.
Full write-ups on my blog!
Thanks a lot for the tip.
I actually have never paid for checks at my bank. Once my free checks ran out, I would go after those $3.95 deals in the Sunday paper.
Now, I hardly ever write checks. Even for church offerings, I use online billpay. I just have the bank mail a check to the church on each payday! Same thing with my rent.
I admit we use PC Financial for our day-to-day banking….free cheques, free banking. We still have an account with RBC, for the days in which we need to deal with a *real* bank (had to get US$ last month, then convert back.) Automatic payroll deposit lets us split hubbies paycheck into 2 different accounts — at 2 different banks (prearranged chunk at RBC, everything else to PCF). RBC is for long term savings (used to have mortgage as well), PCF is for day to day (& short term projects)…..if there’s extra in PCF, we write ourselves a cheque (hey, it’s free!) to move it over to RBC (where it will sit for a *very* long time….at least that’s our plan!). And if we screw up and need to borrow from RBC, we just pay the VISA online from that account instead of PCF.
It may seem odd, but it works for us! (and I think last year I wrote 4 cheques in total…)
Eh? I thought everybody gets free checking nowadays mate?!
Nope, not everyone, a few of us are lucky enough to pay through the nose!
I’m in the same both since the day cares only accept payment with cheques. I order my cheques through Much cheaper than the bank and they work just fine!
All this price you are paying for using old style of payments. I hardly hear anybody using cheques. I have everything done through ECS – Electronic Credit System where in I sign a receipt only once for continuous deductions every month.
Here is my solution:
Walk into the bank,
Me: Hi I need some more cheques
Teller: Sure, here are our options blah blah blah $40
Me: I don’t feel I should pay for them, may I speak to a manager?
Manager: Sorry sir, but everyone pays for cheques
Me: Ok, well if I open a new account with another bank, they will gladly give me new cheques, so I guess I’ll just do that, thanks
Manager: Oh wait, look here, there is a free cheques option, those should be here in a week and a half
Me: A week eh……
Manager: We’ll rush them for you
Me: Thanks!
I keep forgetting that EVERYTHING in banking is negotiable, good point!
Hmm… I am surprised that you use 150 cheques a year. Aren’t all of your bills paid via online bill payment and the rest paid using a credit/debit card?
I haven’t order cheques since I opened my account with TD; it’s been 4 years now.
Considering your flow chart, $1 a cheque seems a steep price to pay.
I have weekly cheques I write to my Church, and then my kids school asks for money bi-weekly and then a few more folks and there you have it 150!