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Canajun Finances Home » Canada Day Celebrate This Nation

Canada Day Celebrate This Nation

Canada Day is here!

Canadian Flag
Happy Canada Day

In Canada we enjoy many things, and here for your enjoyment is my ode to Personal Finance in Canada:

C  is for the Cash, which of course is King
A  is Accounts which you should have opened (TFSA, RRSP, RESP, RDSP, etc.,)
N  is nervous which you should not be if you have a solid financial plan
A  is for Accountant like Blunt Bean Counter, which you should consult if things get complicated
D  is for Debt, the scourge of us all
A  is for Assets, the one thing we should all be accumulating (useful assets that is)

For your enjoyment, William Shatner sings Oh Canada (another former Montrealer):

Other Canada Days

Fourth of July

We mustn’t forget our family down south.

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