Today is Remembrance Day in Canada, and down south, I believe it is Veteran’s Day, a day to remember those who have fallen and made the ultimate sacrifice for us.
I grew up in a generation where we didn’t even talk about Remembrance Day much, let alone celebrate the achievements and sacrifices done by others. Still, I am glad that the traditions of remembering those who fought for our future have returned.
For more about Remembrance Day, click here to go to the Veteran’s Affairs website. If you were wondering, there is an App for Remembrance Day
I remember this picture as “Good Bye Dad,” not sure why but it sums up the sacrifice made by the Families of previous generations in Canada.

Remembrance Days Gone by
- We Shall Remember, Paradise Papers, Tax Cheats and #MoneyTalk #FLM2017 is from 2017, with a photo of the War Memorial in Ottawa.
- We Shall Remember 2013 remembers more of my family’s experiences.
- Remembrance Day 2012 includes the poem by John McRae, In Flanders Fields.
- Remembrance Day 2011 included a video of veterans talking about their service.
- We Shall Remember 2010 with talk of the App for Remembrance Day (yes there was one).
- We Must Remember 2009
- Lest We Forget 2008 was when I first started writing about Remembrance Day
It was nice to see my niece talk about Remembrance day. The school did quite a bit in talking about the importance of the day and the sacrifices of the veterans.
Today’s generation and immigrants all need to be aware of the sacrifices our soldiers and veterans have made for us to enjoy this freedom.