Happy 2025
May this year find you safe and happy. For me, 2024 was rather similar to 2023. I had knee surgery and have spent a lot of the year hobbling around, and now I am rehabilitating things. A year that happened was neither good nor bad for me.
For me, my perspectives on the coming year are:
- Write some more than I did in 2024? We shall see. I am approaching retirement soon. I am not sure what that means, or what I will do—lots of things to think about.
- More rehabilitation on my knees and body overall.
- Plan my retirement financial schedule. I am lucky to have a pension. However, I need to determine short-term (1-2 years), medium-term (3-7 years), and long-term models. Might enlist help from some folks who can plan.
- My son will move into a post-secondary education program. Strangely, thanks to the RESP we set up, I will save money.
Those sound like resolutions, don’t they?
What will 2025 bring in general? My guesses would be:
- I have no idea whether the president-elect will execute his threats for tariffs. However, if he does, the economies on both sides of the border will be hurt.
- An election in Canada? That will happen, and soon. I’m not sure folks know what they are voting for. A Tory victory may result in cuts that will hurt many folks.
- Stock Market? It continues to be a Numbers Go Up model, will we finally see a correction? I have no idea. I hope not, but I am no stock prognosticator. The Canadian Dollar at below 60 cents US? That’s possible.
- 2024 was the year of Comebacks and Political upheaval. What will the coming year give us?
Here is hoping the coming year is not as tumultuous as I suspect it will be.

All Those Happy New Years
Yes, for many years I have wished you a Happy New Year
- Happy New Year 2025 May this New Year find you safe and happy. 2024 was a year to remember for its turmoil, but find a way to make 2025 a better one. It’s time to get back to the gym and plan on staying out of debt. Enjoy the coming year! #Debt #NewYear #Resolution
- Happy New Year 2024! What will the year 2024 bring? Let's hope it is a Happy New Year, but there is potential for a great deal of upheaval in the coming year. #NewYear #Happy2024
- Happy New Year 2022 and #MoneyTalk recapped a lot of 2021 and hoped that 2022 was going to bring some hope.
- A happy new year for 2021 ? Well it started pretty grotty, but it might get better.
- I must have had an inkling about 2020, as I didn't wish you a Happy New Year to start things. Hopefully with this post I have helped make the year better?
- In 2019 I was too practical with Tangible Financial New Years Resolutions but still worthwhile thinking about it, eh?
- For Happy New Year 2018 I had a great photo of being stuck on the 401 during a snowstorm, and links to previous New Year Messages.
- 2017 I pointed out that you start paying CPP and EI again, so your net pay is going to be lower.
- 2016 Happy New Year, just didn't happen, not sure why, must have been having a grinchy holiday?
- 2015 Happy New Year and I included a really bad joke about it being the year of the RAM in the Chinese Calendar.
- 2014 Happy New Year again I pointed out that CPP and EI rates were increasing as well, I really am a kill joy.
- 2013 was a Happy New Year, a celebratory Sunday was the photo to start the year.
- 2012 I used to post best of Twitter posts, and it seems to have fallen on a Sunday as well.
- Merry New Year! It All Starts again was how 2011 started, and I included a bunch of resolutions in that article.
- 2010 New Year began with me in a new job, which was very nice, given I had been unemployed for a while.
- 2009 started a little bleak, in that I was unemployed, and was looking for a job, during a major economic crisis.
- Belated Happy and Prosperous New Year was how 2008 started, the economy was booming, employment was high, but there were hints of the systemic failure that was coming soon.
- Good Bye 2008, outlined the eventful year that it was for me. Things got better, but a lot didn't go right that year.
- A New Year Brings Tax Breaks? The tax breaks appeared in 2007 but later disappeared, unfortunately.
- Happy 2007 a quieter year, we hoped.
- 2006 I was still figuring out what this whole thing would be, but I showed signs of a ranting good time.