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Canajun Finances Home » Snow, Christmas, Enhanced and #BestThisWeek

Snow, Christmas, Enhanced and #BestThisWeek

The snow flew this week in Ottawa, which of course, means that we might have a White Christmas here in the Nation’s Capital. Will that matter? It does to some folks. I am good with a green Christmas, and one day hopes to enjoy going to the beach on Christmas Day (and not have to wear a parka at the beach).

Christmas Tree
A Previous Festive Tree from the Big C8j House

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, and the malls are getting to be pretty nasty places. There are only 13 days left until Christmas Day and only days stranded in this calendar year. If you want to put money in an RESP and have not reached your Max, now might be the time to do it! Maybe some TFSA room? Think about it and sit down and look where you could put some extra money (if you have some, that is).

The US Government released the Senate Report on the “Enhanced Interrogation” after 9/11. While I won’t comment on the report’s content, I do enjoy seeing the use of “Enhanced” being obfuscated by the intelligence services, as much as it has been muddled by the financial industry as well. Right now, you have an Enhanced Purchasing opportunity in the markets with stock prices falling all over the place. Isn’t Enhanced a proper word?

My Writings for Week Ending December 12th

The Time person of the year is the Folks Fighting Ebola, but remember Time also had Vlad Putin as their man of the year a while ago :

This Week’s Finest

There were many “enhanced” articles this week, and we note the return of Preet B. to the blogging world, all of this while the markets get a little skittish:

Preet Returns

Preet has returned with an all-out media assault with new podcasts, blog entries, and this awesome video!

Random Thoughts for 2014

Lots of these kinds of Best of articles in 2014. Here is a list of them.

My Twitter feed is where I re-tweet many great articles by some of my featured writers (and make the occasional odd or off-colour commentary on life (in 140 characters or less)).

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