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King Louis, Braun Follies, Lice and Friday #ShoutOuts

Greetings and Happy Birthday to Prince George Louis Alexander Windsor (and future King of Canada). Welcome to the media “sh*te storm” that will be your life, be prepared for an AP bulletin about how your first poop was the wrong shade of brown, and all the other joys of living directly in the public eye. I hope that if (or when) this young child becomes king, he chooses to be known as King Louis (just like the Jungle Book).

Canajun Finances Home » King Louis, Braun Follies, Lice and Friday #ShoutOuts

Those not watching the imploding star, Major League Baseball, are attempting to show that they are less riddled with PED users than the Tour de France by suspending former MVP Ryan Braun. You remember Mr. Braun, he is the one that last year scolded us all for even thinking that he might use PEDs, and how he has “admitted” to it (OK, he hasn’t, he has agreed to a deal with Baseball which allegedly includes a possible admission of guilt). Aaron Rodgers in fact stated on Twitter stated last year that his belief in Mr. Braun’s innocence was such that: “… ya I’d put my salary next year on it….”, the fan that he made this quip to is now only asking for 1 games pay as payment on this bet.

I was glad to see that thanks to Sex and the City “naughty bits” lice are now an endangered species (according to the British Medical Association), another interesting case of “how are theses two things related?!?!?!”, but read the article and it is a fairly valid reason. Yes, I do need to stay on topic sometimes.

My Weekly Recap

Some cooler temperatures here in Ottawa, but more MPs around town to discuss rail safety, and they will also be discussing the importance of closing barn doors long after the cows are gone:

My Writings for Week Ending July 26th
Summer in the City Continues

CPI Up to 1.2 % in June in Canada 2013

Stats Canada pointing out that Gas prices may lead us into an inflationary period, also they mention the Sun may rise in the East tomorrow morning.

The Most Important Financial Decision You Will Make

I borrowed from a very useful phrase from Ben Hogan and gave it a financial context.

Simple Financial Ideas

A particular article from the Atlantic spawned two posts from me, but the clarity of the statement is astonishing (to me).

Are Credit Cards Making You a Bad Person ?

The answer is yes, they are making us all Fat, Stupid and Lazy (you can quote me on that one).


Mr. Braun has learned the importance of being contrite in your dealings with the media, as has Lance Armstrong and other folks whose web of stories is complicated:

Top Stories of the Week of July 26th

The Canadian Open is this Weekend, FORE!!!

Rams are in no hurry to sign draft choices

Jim Thomas of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writes about how the St. Louis Rams are attempting to teach their Rookie players about the value of money, which is a fabulous idea, keep up the good work!


Managing Alone

Michael James reviews a book written by financial advisers which has a message that you should use financial advisers, especially if your spouse passes away.

The Costs of Carelessness

Mark at My Own Advisor points out that while careless driving can be a very bad thing, being careless with your finances can have some disastrous effects as well.


Google introduces $35 device that streams video to your TV

Heather Kelly at CNN writes about Google’s new attempt to become the only Media company left, by making it darn simple to stream videos to your HD TV, and for $35 pretty darn cheap too!

Can You Really Make Money Investing in Collectibles?

Sustainable Personal Finance gives some important points if you are going to try to make money on collectibles. I should have read that before I spent my entire RRSP on Manny Mota Baseball Cards…

TD Direct Investing Disappoints on US Dollar RRSPs

The Canadian Capitalist points out that if you want to have your RRSP in US Funds, TD is not the place to go, as they do not offer that kind of account.

Always Leave Home Without It: A Further Investigation of the Credit-Card Effect on Willingness to Pay

A very interesting MIT study on the dangers of Credit Cards with a case study to do with buying Red Sox tickets, so you know why I like it!

The true cost of credit card reward programs (and more)

Preet returns to his blogging roots with a video of his panel work with the CBC discussing credit card reward programs (and whether they are doing you any good).

Giving Away Money in Boston?

There has been a rash of folks going into Tim Horton’s and paying for $500 worth of coffee for folks, but you can’t give money away in Boston, as this video proves:

Best of 2013

Some of the best of posts from 2013

Feel Free to Comment

  1. LOL.. I agree with you bigcajunman a little bit. Infact a league of ROID ONLY for the WILLING, and maybe even ROID Olympics would be a something to watch. Hey, we allready are a society that like to watch artificially modified actresses more then some natural ones right? Now thats a financial idea for media and marketing people reading this 😉 ( big cajun man, i love where you take your inspiration to write your articles, i run a small french financial blog for montreal and it seems dull to always go over the same subjects.)

    keep at it !

    1. There are no drug problems in the NFL, just that they aren’t taking ENOUGH!!! Evidently the NFL is starting to look at testing for Human Growth Hormone this fall.

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